Why Small Charge,

Why Not Free?

mypin platform

“Nothing in this world comes for free. Some charges are visible, some invisible.” Every company needs revenue to work and improve their services. Companies that do not charge for their services generate revenue from other sources, mostly by selling user data to advertisers or bugging them with ads or offering them unwanted services (3rd party services).

myPIN services new

Ethically, for myPIN services, charging users a nominal amount upfront rather than generating revenue from the above-mentioned sources is a better decision. More importantly, the total amount spent on myPIN services when calculated (on monthly basis) is way less than what you pay for a movie ticket or for a meal at restaurant.

How It Works

Transform your manual trade process in less than 5 minutes.

Fill a 3-column form to register (takes just 8 - 10 sec).

Add contacts (buyers & suppliers) to create your group (visible only to you), through your phone book (takes just 1 minute).

Add products suggested by system or upload your product file or import products from other myPIN user in your network (takes just 2 - 3 minutes).

Select your contact and start Trading. To increase business, get insights from past trading operations through reports. The more you trade, the more insights you get of your network, which in turn helps you to maximize your profits.